The ITK study course at Leipzig University is a complex sports-scientific further education program in a type of sport or a specialisation emphasizing on sports for children and juveniles.


Information on the online further education courses

As part of the International Coaching Courses, we will be offering online further education courses as of 2025, which you can apply for via this application form.

You will find further information on the subject areas here:

How to apply:

You may apply for our online further education courses if you are an active coach, PE teacher or are employed at an association or university, hold an academic degree in the field of sport and currently reside in a DAC-listed country. The course is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism which allows us to offer the course without a participation fee. 

The courses are also open to all graduates of ITK. 
We currently offer two courses. You can apply for one course per course period. The number of places per course is limited to 20. If you are admitted to a course, you will receive a confirmation e-mail after the application deadline. Please note that application alone does not guarantee participation. 

All applicants who are not ITK alumni are asked to prepare a copy of their university degree certificate. If you are selected for one of the courses, you will receive a request to send the certificate digitally via e-mail.

These subject areas are currently covered in the ITK further education courses Course offer:

Course Period


1st course period: March 31 - May 11, 2025

2nd course period: May 12 - June 22, 2025


The time required for each course is approx. 25 hours: 

- 5 online seminars, 2 hours each 

- Guided self-study 

- Assignment to be completed and submitted at the end of the course


Technical requirements
- Stable internet connection that allows for use of camera

- The seminars take place via Zoom 
- For the courses "Planning in Training" and "Leadership and Management" you will need MS-excel.

These subject areas are currently covered in the ITK further education courses:  Course offer: 

Course contents

Course 1: Neuro-centred and Cognitive Training

The online course "Foundations of Neuro-centred and Cognitive Training" is aimed at professionals from the fields of sport, prevention and therapy who want to better understand sensory and cognitive approaches and integrate them into their practice.

The aim is to provide a basic understanding of the visual, vestibular and proprioceptive systems. Particular emphasis is placed on how these systems are connected to cognitive abilities such as perception and decision-making processes.

Building on this, specific exercises will be developed and other related training approaches will be presented in order to better understand and practically apply their potential in training sports performance or rehabilitation.

Course 2a: Training planning for team sports:

The online course "Training Planning in Team Sports" is aimed at participants who want to learn about planning, organizing and executing training sessions for teams. The focus is on the balance between goals for individual development of players and team requirements. We will cover differences between youth training and high-performance sport as well as how to structure and organize training with regard to technique, tactics, strength and conditioning and coordination using a practical approach.

Course 2b: Training planning for individual sports:

The online course "Training Planning in Individual Sports" teaches participants the foundations and specific approaches to planning and executing training sessions and cycles for individual sports. We will focus on how to structure and organize training taking into account individual performance development and the specific requirements of individual sports. The differences between children's and youth training as well as high-performance sports are discussed, as is the targeted planning of technique, tactics, strength and conditioning and coordination.

Course 3: Training in Sports for People with Disabilities

Training in Paralympic Sport focuses on the special needs and challenges of athletes with disabilities. The aim of the online course is to create an understanding of individual adaptations, accessible training methods, specific control of training load and long-term performance development. We will focus on systematic training planning, methodical approaches and building resilience.

Course 4: Leadership and Management

This course is aimed at participants who are in charge of management and organizational tasks in sport. The purpose of the course is to provide a basic understanding of the subtopics leadership, good governance, change management and financial management. The course aims to strengthen participants' planning skills, use of systematic and methodical approaches, analytical abilities and results-oriented action. 

These subject areas are currently covered in the ITK further education courses:  Course offer: 


Which sports, respectively specialisations do we currently offer at ITK?


Types of sports: 
Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Handball, Track and Field, Swimming and Table Tennis

Handicap sports, Kids in motion (Kids' sports U12) and Conditioning Coach


The COURSE OFFER provides information on the types of sports and specialisations offered at which time and in which language.

To me, ITK was a ‘second home’ and a ‘window to opportunities’.

Innocent Asiimwe, Uganda (ITK 2015 – Sports management)


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During theory classes ...

... you will acquire and deepen knowledge, experience exchange and discussions

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During practical classes ...

... you will try things out and apply acquired knowledge. You compare methodical approaches and practice how to do corrections



Zwei Teilnehmer am Kraftgerät, einer übt, der andere korrigiert
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When sitting in on (training) sessions ...

... you will get to know, how training sessions are held in Germany


Work shadowing & Excursions

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