Are you considering investigating a research question in sport psychology for your final thesis? Here's a list of suggested thesis research topics and everything you need to know about how to proceed with your request for supervision.

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Student finishing her thesis. Photo: Annie Sprat (Unsplash)

Thesis Supervision

The Chair of Sport Psychology is represented in numerous degree programmes within the faculty and supervises final theses for bachelor's and master's degrees as well as for state examinations.

Please contact Annette Giersemehl if you are interested in working on one of the topics listed below, if you would like to propose a topic, or if you have general questions about thesis supervision. She will forward your inquiry to the most suitable member of our team and they will contact you.

There are only a limited number of spaces available for supervision each semester. Therefore, we advise bachelor’s students to get in contact with us during their fourth or fifth semester, and master’s students during their second or third semester of studies.

Thesis topics

  • Behaviour change strategies
  • Digital stress prevention and stress management in occupational settings
  • Psychological risks in sports
  • Assessment of qualitative data of athletes‘ positive emotions in training and competition
  • Satisfaction in competitive sport
  • Development and evaluation of a values-based doping prevention programme in competitive youth sports
  • Stress and coping in sports and esports
  • How do lecturers perceive and experience teaching in PhD courses in sport psychology? – A qualitative study
  • Emotional and motivational aspects in athletes‘ career development
  • Sleep and recovery in competitive athletes
  • Dropout from elite sports (in collaboration with the Institute for Applied Training Science – IAT)
  • Sport psychology meets school: Positive psychology in school PE
  • Improving health and performance with intra- and interpersonal emotion regulation by using distinct emotions (e.g., pride)
  • Mental health for PE teachers and coaches: The interplay of individual and social factors
  • Focus on positive emotions and behaviour control
  • Mental health in (young) elite athletes
  • Intra- and interpersonal emotion regulation in sports
  • Associations and influencing factors on health-related behaviors in childhood and adolescence
  • Mental and physical health in the family setting

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