Here we inform you about our publications of the last years.
Publikationen mit Peer Review
- Estorff, I. & Notthoff, N. (2023). Welche Motive für körperliche Aktivität verfolgen jüngere und ältere Personen bei der Nutzung von Aktivitätstrackern? Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 30, 3-13.
- Freiberger, E. & Notthoff, N. (2021). Wording in the area of mobility and physical activity – The challenge of perception for researchers and older persons. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 51, 410-415.
- Garms-Homolová, V., Declercq, A., Finne-Soveri, H., Notthoff, N., van der Roest, H.G., & van Hout, H.P.J. (2021). Adverse life events: Do home care clients have resources for mastering them? Frontiers in Medicine, 8: 522410.
- Reichert, M., Giurgiu, M., Koch, E.D., Wieland, L.M., Lautenbach, S., Neubauer, A.B., von Haaren-Mack, B., Schilling, R., Timm, I., Notthoff, N., Marzi, I., Hill, H., Brüßler, S., Eckert, T., Fiedler, J., Burchartz, A., Anedda, B., Wunsch, K., Gerber, M., Jekauc, D., Woll, A., Dunton, G.F., Kanning, M., Nigg, C.R., Ebner-Priemer, U., & Liao, Y. (2020). Ambulatory assessment for physical activity research: State of the science, best practices and future directions. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 50.
- Klusmann, V., Notthoff, N., Beyer, A.-K., Blawert, A., & Gabrian, M. (2020). The assessment of views on ageing: A review of self-report methods and innovative extensions. European Journal of Ageing.
- Popp, J., Notthoff, N., & Warner, L.M. (2019). Self-efficacy for physical activity – a question of item framing and age? Journal of Aging and Physical and Physical Activity, 11, 1-7.
- Riedel, L., Vetter, S., Knöbel, S., & Notthoff, N. (2019). Die Rolle von körperlicher Aktivität für die physische Gesundheit, die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit und das emotionale Erleben älterer Erwachsener: Ein Überblick für die Praxis. Leipziger Sportwissenschaftliche Beiträge, 60, 9-36.
- Notthoff, N., Drewelies, J., Kazanecka, P., Steinhagen-Thiessen, E., Düzel, S., Norman, K., Daumer, M., Lindenberger, U., Demuth, I., & Gerstorf, D. (2018). Feeling older, walking slower – but only if someone’s watching. Subjective age is associated with walking speed in the laboratory, but not in real life. European Journal of Ageing, 15, 425-433.
- Kircanski, K., Notthoff, N., DeLiema, M., Samanez-Larkin, G.R., Shadel, D., Mottola, G., Carstensen, L.L., & Gotlib, I.H. (2018). Emotional arousal may increase susceptibility to fraud in older and younger adults. Psychology & Aging, 33, 325-337.
- Klusmann, V. & Notthoff, N. (2018). Motivational barriers and resources for physical activity among older people. In: Nyman, S.R. (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Ageing and Physical Activity Promotion, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Notthoff, N., Reisch, P., & Gerstorf, D. (2017). Individual characteristics and physical activity in older adults: A systematic review. Gerontology, 63, 443-459.
- Garms-Homolová, V. & Notthoff, N., Declercq, A., van der Roest, H.G., Onder, G., & van Hout, H. (2016). Social and functional health of home care clients with different levels of cognitive impairments. Aging and Mental Health.
- Notthoff, N., Klomp, P., Doerwald, F., & Scheibe, S. (2016). Positive messages enhance older adults’ motivation and memory for physical activity programs. European Journal of Ageing, Advance Online Publication.
- Notthoff, N. & Carstensen, L.L. (2015). Promoting walking in older adults: Perceived neighborhood walkability influences the effectiveness of motivational messages. Journal of Health Psychology. Advance online publication.
- Notthoff, N. & Gerstorf, D. (2015). Age and time in Geropsychology. In: N.A. Pachana (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geropsychology. New York, NY: Springer.
- Notthoff, N. & Carstensen, L.L. (2014). Positive messaging promotes walking in older adults. Psychology & Aging, 29, 2, 329-341.
- Scheibe, S., Notthoff, N., Menkin, J., Ross, L., Shadel, D., Deevy, M. & Carstensen, L.L. (2014). Forewarning reduces fraud susceptibility in vulnerable consumers. Journal of Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 36 (3), 272-279.
Publikationen ohne Peer Review
- Garms-Homolová, V. & Notthoff, N. (2019). Psychologische Diagnostik I. Ausgewählte Verfahren zur Individualdiagnostik, Teil 2. Hamburg, Germany: Hamburger Fernhochschule.
- Garms-Homolová, V. & Notthoff, N. (2019). Psychologische Diagnostik I. Ausgewählte Verfahren zur Individualdiagnostik, Teil 1. Hamburg, Germany: Hamburger Fernhochschule.
- Ball, R., Notthoff, N., & Hischier, W. (2016). Horse leadership. What horses tell us about our ability as executives to lead. Developing Leaders Quarterly, 23, 31-36.