Gain international experience while you study and expand your professional network.

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Discover new countries and cities during your stay abroad. Photo: Tomáš Gal/Unsplash

Double-Degree Programme

Each year six of our students are nominated to take part in an academic exchange with our partner, the University of Thessaly in Trikala, Greece.

Candidates are selected during the first semester, based on students' academic suitability and personal motivation to study abroad. Leipzig-based student nominees will spend their third semester enrolled at the University of Thessaly, while University of Thessaly-based students will study in Leipzig during their second semester. A degree will be issued by both universities upon graduation.

Financial support options for your exchange are made available through funding from:

Double-degree Timeline

Applications for the double-degree programme are received in the first semester. Applicants are evaluated on the basis of subject-specific and personal motivation for study abroad. If we receive more applications than spots available, interview may be held. 

Students enrolled for the MSc programme in Sport and Exercise Psychology at the University of Thessalay nominated for the double-degree programme will study alongside MSc students at Leipzig university in their second semester.

enlarge the image: Welcome to Leipzig! Photo: Maria Gramsch
Welcome to Leipzig! Photo: Maria Gramsch

Leipzig students enrolled in the double-degree programme will spend six months in their third semester at the University of Thessaly in Trikala, Greece. According to the double-degree curriculum, students complete at least 30 credit points (ECTS), which will be accredited at Leipzig University. Upon completing this exchange programme, stundets will be granted a degree from both universities.

You have to attend courses that cover a total of 30 ECTS. You can choose from:

  • Introduction & Development of Communication Skills (2 ECTS)
  • Research Method and Statistics (7 ECTS) 
  • Psychological Foundations of Sport and Physical Activity (7 ECTS)
  • Psychological skills in physical activity and sports (7 ECTS)
  • Psychology in physical education and youth sports (7 ECTS)
  • Clinical Exercise Psychology: Exercise on prescription for mental health disorders (7 ECTS)
  • Quantitative & Qualitative Data Analysis (7 ECTS)

Leipzig students return to Leipzig University to complete studies according to the curriculum of the MSc programme.


Leipzig University has a global network of partner universities and offers a variety of exchange programmes, scholarships and funding opportunities for planning a period of study abroad in Europe and worldwide. The University’s International Centre will support you in finding the right option, in navigating the application process, and in applying to have existing credits recognised

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Gain work experience in a multicultural environment. Photo: LYCS Architecture/Unsplash

(international) work experience

Are you more interested in hands-on experience? Add work experience to your degree, either abroad or in Germany. Arrange an internship that matches your career aspirations in a work environment of your interest, preferably in a research-focused setting. We will support your efforts and further education with a complementary class in Research and Applied Experience. The University’s International Centre can advise you on available funding options should you choose to go abroad.

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