Here we inform you about our research topics and about current and recently completed research projects.

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In Exercise Psychology, we conduct research on the following topics:

Development of physical activity and sedentary behavior in (older) adulthood

  • How do physical activity and sedentary behavior change with age (longitudinal study), e.g., to what extent does activity really decrease and how does the type of activity change (e.g., shift from structured sport to lifestyle activities and activities for coping with everyday life)? How do personal characteristics (e.g., demographic background, psychological factors) and the structural environment (keyword "walkability") combine to influence these changes?

Motivation to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior in adults, especially in older age

  • How can psychologically based interventions be used to increase physical activity in (older) adults and reduce sedentary behavior? What types of motivation (cognitive vs. "automatic") influence the initiation or maintenance of behavior? How should movement prompts be formulated to be effective? What activities suit an individual?

Age images and age stereotypes in the context of physical activity and sedentary behavior

  • What role do age images (of older persons themselves and of their social interaction partners, including specifically health-related ones) play in levels of physical activity or sedentary behavior among older adults? How do these emerge and how can they be changed?

We use a multi-methodological approach that includes field interventions, laboratory experiments, literature reviews/meta-analyses, and psychophysiological as well as neuroscience approaches.

Current Projects

Information about projects that are seeking research participants

  • Goal: To examine older adults’ gait in the laboratory as well as their personal attitudes.
  • Methods: Questionnaires and treadmill gait analysis.
  • Requirements for participation: at least 65 years of age; no orthopedic, cardiovascular, or other contraindications to being physically active.
  • Compensation: €5 voucher from DM and results of the gait analysis.

If you are interested in participating, please contact us by email or phone at 0157/54162648.

  • Goal: The study is aimed at identifying the types of support that informal caregivers need and to develop recommendations for practice.
  • Methods: structured questionnaire as well as qualitative interviews.
  • Prerequisites for participation: You can participate in the study if you are an informal caregiver of a relative, friend, or acquaintance/you volunteer as a caregiver.

One main aspect of the study is physical activity.

LINK to the online questionnaire for informal caregivers

In order to make an appointment for an interview (only in german), please contact us by email.




  • Goal: To examine older adults’ physical performance in the laboratory as well as their personal attitudes.
  • Methods: Questionnaire and physical performance test.
  • Requirements for participation: at least 65 years of age; no orthopedic, cardiovascular, or other contraindications to being physically active.
  • Compensation: €5 voucher from DM and results of the physical performance test.

If you are interested in participating, please contact us by email or phone at 0157/54162648.

Information about other projects

  • Goal: To determine if pet owners are physically active together with their pets / if there is an association between physical activity levels of pet owners and their pets.
  • Method: systematic review of the literature

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